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We’re Passionate About Making Websites Easy

Let’s face it. A lot of the time technology is a royal pain. You probably didn’t get into business to do things like optimize website images or update plugins. Only geeks like us actually enjoy that sort of thing.

Despite our geekiness, we understand business. We believe in explaining, in terms that make business sense, anything you want to know about our work. We always strive to build and earn your trust.

We’ve Always Been Geeks

You know that geek you call when the clock is flashing 12:00, the photocopier won’t print or your email is not sending? That’s us. We’ve always been the go-to types when tech has needed addressing. We’re just happy to finally be earning a living for it.

Three Decades of Sales & Marketing

GeekMinders is an offshoot of the Pitcher Group. We help charities with sales and marketing to promote their organizations and raise funds. Over the years, we have raised more than $100-million for a wide variety of causes. Today, we help business earn more.

Websites Were Inevitable

Being geeks, we built websites for ourselves before anyone paid us to do theirs. First charities sought online fundraising. Then, our business friends called. So, GeekCoaches Website Design & Online Marketing was born. GeekMinders was the next logical step.

William Pitcher portrait

A Commitment to Helping You Succeed

Of course we’re all geeks at a business called GeekMinders., but just as importantly we are keeners — keeners about helping you. In addition to being passionate about making technology easier for you, we love being able to help you achieve specific results with your organization that you may not have known were possible.

I have been a consultant for three decades and a business owner for more than two-thirds of that time. So, helping clients has long been at the heart of what I do. I look forward to helping you too. – Bill Pitcher, Chief Geek and Founder.

Tales from Geek History

Click the icons to see how far our Chief Geek has come in terms of technology over the decades.

The Picture Sender

We purchased overseas products using a telex machine. There was this amazing device called a fax machine that could send pictures. It was so expensive we tried to share it with a company down the street.

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'Dry' Photocopying

We got a Xerox copier to replace a Gestetner that used stencils and ink. Each page of copy paper also required feeding through a special pink tissue sheet. It made grey-on-grey copies on shiny thermal paper.

No Impression Printing

We replaced our daisy wheel printer with a laser printer. A client wanted to know if it could make physical impressions in the paper like a typewriter so people wouldn’t think they were getting form letters.

We’re Here To Help Your Business Blast Off!

Through Creative Ideas, Innovation & Sheer Determination